Fantasy Football Sites to Checkout Before Sunday's Games

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Every week before you set your line-up there are a number of articles and sites to check out to better equip you for the win.

I will have links here for your Week 17 games and also for Playoff Challenges.

The first article I would recommend you read is an article about the Playoff Challenges coming up next week.  Fantasy Knuckleheads has a solid read:

Junkyard Jake's match-up article is always a great place to go for your Week 17 line-ups.  I really like how RC uses stars to rank the players.

Chet's has a really nice article on defenses to exploit and some player recommendations:

Ryan at has some solid rankings.  Let's start with his WR rankings: but you can find more rankings on his site.

You also need to go and join a Playoff Challenge league.  I have a free one going on and the winner gets a draft guide for next year:

Good luck!  I will have Playoff weekly rankings for you.

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